Private Taxi Siem Reap to Bangkok
Private Taxi Siem Reap to Bangkok city / Bangkok to Siem Reap it may take around 7 hours not including time to across border (between Poipet Cambodia size and Aranyaprathet Thailand size)
Private Taxi Siem Reap to Bangkok city / Bangkok to Siem Reap it may take around 7 hours not including time to across border (between Poipet Cambodia size and Aranyaprathet Thailand size)
Private taxi transfer Battambang – Sihanoukville, We offer reliable private transfer between Sihanoukville and Battambang city,
Siem Reap Private Taxi! We provides Siem Reap Angkor International Airport Pick up & Transfers daily BOOKING! A day trip SAI Airport Pick-up and the visit the Beng Mealea temple (jungle temple) Banteay Srei temple (lady temple) and the go to Hotel (check-in)
Siem Reap Private Taxi! would like to provide you a private TAXI transportation services to pick up and drop off daily from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville / Sihanoukville to Phnom Penh, Cambodia taxi drivers.
After Breakfast at Hotel then start 7.30 am or 8 am we explore to Banteay Srei, or Lady Temple,
Depart after breakfast 8 am to outside circle, Siem Reap to the Temple of Banteay Srey and Klal Spean.
Cambodia Taxi Driver, We provide Private Taxi & Transfer-Phnom Penh <> Kampong Cham city, Phnom Penh Private Taxi provides many type of vehicles like Car-SUV, Van, Minivan, Taxi Driver in Cambodia.
Cambodia private taxi, We provide private taxi from Phnom Penh <> Kampong Thom city, Car/Minivan taxi driver in Cambodia.
Siem Reap Taxi Driver would like to offers private transportation from Phnom Penh / Siem Reap to Ratanakiri (Banlung)
Cambodia taxi driver, Phnom Penh <> Siem Reap by Minibus, Private taxi driver in Cambodia, private transportation.